Our Cornhole Wrap Application video, designed as a refresher or for a brand-new installer.  Side and hole trim tools will be available in our online store soon.

PREP DETAILS – Prior to decal application

I am paranoid about dust during my wrap applications because I often apply in the same shop area that I cut and sand wood in. Lots of guys do this in open areas…to avoid fumes and let dust go to the wind. I am soft (haha) and love my shop HVAC (low humidity) to work and finish wood projects in.

My detailed list of what I do before cornhole board wrap application:

  1. I try not to sand or do any dusty project work 2-3 hours prior to application
    – No heavy sanding in 6-8 hours and my air filtration has been running to remove dust from the air.
    – I do the same before I applying polyurethane, especially the final coat
  2. Vacuum the work bench and board tops where wrap (decal) application will occur to remove any dust.
  3. Using a lightly damp clean paper towel I wipe down board tops to pull away any remaining dust.
    – I apply poly to my tops (2 coats) – this is a personal preference…to protect boards and vinyl really sticks
    – I do not use tack cloths because of the residue left behind, again personal preference
  4. Between use, I store all vinyl application tools to keep them clean and dust free (closed top box or closed drawer is best)
  5. Using low pressure air I blow my felt squeegee edges before decal application to remove any dust
  6. Wraps are stored away from sanding and cutting area in a climate controlled room to keep them clean
  7. I move wraps to my cleaned shop application area just a few minutes before application to prevent possible contamination
  8. WASH MY HANDS – any specs or chips of wood dust or dirt stuck on the adhesive side of the decal will show on the front side after applied.
  9. Before applying any firm pressure using a squeegee I always wipe wraps with a microfiber cloth to remove any possible dust.
  10. Dust is everywhere, static from the vinyl wraps is like a magnet for dust.
    – The better care you use means less chance for dust to get under your decals or on top to scratch the surface during the squeegee process.
  11. Yes, a bit more than necessary, but if I slip on any detail…I am still above average and installs turn out great!

Hope this helps, kind of wordy…the what and why I do it the way I do.
